Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here We Go...

Check the archive to the left for new posts (click on the 2008)....Dad can't seem to make the main page display the latest post...

Family is gathering tomorrow, Jack's cough is clearing (phew!), my toes are freshly painted, I'm beginning to salivate about my final dinner before surgery (pizza, of course) AND we are planning to squeeze in a quick trip to the zoo tomorrow.

Thursday is called 'day minus 1' and will consist of blood tests, chest x-ray, EKG, teaching and physician visits for both Jack and I beginning at 7am. We'll be there most of the day and then return on Friday morning at 5am. Surgery is expected to begin around 7am.

We will be at the University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview -(university campus) which is considered to be a world leader in kidney transplants. We are enormously grateful this is essentially in our backyard. UMMC has has performed over 900 pediatric/child/young adult transplants since their program begin in 1963. About 10% of the 250 annual transplants performed here are on little people (under age of 19).

We are abundantly grateful for the prayers, blessings, and heartfelt support surrounding us. It's incredibly tangible, humbling, and we feel it in every moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've been in our thoughts and prayers all along, but especially this week. We know everything will be successful. You couldn't be at a better place, both literally and figuratively. We'll be with you all the way. Love, Loren and David